Spring brings the thawing of the Charles River and brighter mornings.
As the mornings become warmer, spectators will have their spots along the banks of the Charles, on docks and on the car bridges crossing from Cambridge, Massachusetts. From almost any spot you hear the banter of the coxes, the cutting of the water by oars, or the slapping of the water when some of the boats make their way to the starting line.
I am by no means ready to die! So, with that fact established, let's begin at the beginning: See links for all the Genesis posts to date: Genesis Through My Eyes
In my not too distant past, if I were to see a street person, a bum, sleeping in a door front or on a park bench, I would have kept my distance and perhaps shrugged my shoulders.: He had the "smarts" to ask someone where to go, I didn't
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web blog: Time Less Images
web blog: Epicurean Health