A tipi (also tepee and teepee) is a Lakota name for a conical tent traditionally made of animal skins and wooden poles used by the nomadic tribes and sedentary tribal dwellers (when hunting) of the Great Plains. I looked the definition up on Google. When I was a kid, I knew a teepee as a place to hide, usually from the "cowboys" that were chasing me, when I was at play. I associate the word with endless afternoons of fun. Some of our teepees were elaborate, made from blankets, newspapers or branches. Others came crashing down on our heads the minute we crawled in. It didn't matter.
- I know we've come a long way,
- We're changing day to day,
- But tell me, where do the children play?
Rules for cowboys and Indians were flexible in the extreme, and weren't adhered to as long as everyone was having fun. The ubiquitous "You're dead!" "No I'm not" arguments practically went with the territory.
Children develop socially and emotionally from the time they are born. Their environment and early interactions shape their emotional and social development. A child's first three years are developmentally crucial. Are kids having fun today?
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